My RIDICULOUS Designer Handbag Collection 2023 *30+ BAGS!*
well well it's that time of year again when I go through my designer replica christian dior collection but things are a little bit different this time because as we know I moved to New York I couldn't bring all of my bags with me so I have left a selection in the UK so these are the bags that made it through and you know it's being here so we're gonna go through all of those I have also categorized these in three categories okay ranked from least to most used category three these the ones we're starting off with are the once in a while as maybe they are occasion bags maybe they have a very specific use maybe I've just been a neglectful mother and they don't get used as much as they probably should be category two of the of the uh they get out and about a little bit more okay once in a while they're out they see the outdoors you know I wanna semi-regular basis then we have category one these are my ride or dies these are my go-to's these are the o